Source code for anatomy

Define :class:`Anatomy`, container for treatment planning structures.
Copyright 2016 Baris Ungun, Anqi Fu

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from conrad.compat import *

import numpy as np

from conrad.medicine.structure import Structure

[docs]class Anatomy(object): """ Iterable container class for treatment planning structures. Provides simple syntax via overloaded operators, including addition, retrieval, and removal of structures from anatomy:: anatomy = Anatomy() # target structure with label = 4 s1 = Structure(4, 'target', True) # non-target structure with label = 12 s2 = Structure(12, 'non-target', False) # non-target structure with label = 7 s3 = Structure(7, 'non-target 2', False) anatomy += s1 anatomy += s2 anatomy += s3 # remove structure s3 by name anatomy -= 'non-target 2' # remove structure s2 by label anatomy -= 12 # retrieve structure s1 by name anatomy[4] anatomy['target'] """ def __init__(self, structures=None): """ Initialize :class:`Anatomy` object, empty by default. Arguments: structures (optional): Iterable collection of :class:`Structure` objects to append to :class:`Anatomy`. If ``structures`` is of type :class:`Anatomy`, initializer acts as a copy constructor. """ self.__structures = {} self.__label_order = None if isinstance(structures, Anatomy): self.__structures = structures._Anatomy__structures elif structures: self.structures = structures def __contains__(self, comparator): for s in self: if comparator in (, s.label): return True return False def __getitem__(self, key): for s in self: if key in (, s.label): return s raise KeyError('key {} does not correspond to a structure label' ' or name in this {} object'.format(key, Anatomy)) def __iter__(self): return self.__structures.values().__iter__() @property def structures(self): """ Dictionary of structures in anatomy, keyed by label. Setter method accepts any iterable collection of :class:`Structure` objects. Raises: TypeError: If input to setter is not iterable. ValueError: If input to setter contains elements of a type other than :class:`Structure`. """ return self.__structures @structures.setter def structures(self, structures): # check iterability try: _ = (s for s in structures) except TypeError: raise TypeError('argument "structures" must be iterable') if isinstance(structures, dict): structures = structures.values() for s in structures: if not isinstance(s, Structure): raise ValueError('each element of argument "structures"' 'must be of type {}'.format(Structure)) self += s @property def list(self): """ List of structures in :class:`Anatomy`. """ return [self[label] for label in self.label_order] @property def label_order(self): """ Ranked list of labels of structures in :class:`Anatomy`. Raises: ValueError: If input to setter contains labels for structures not contained in anatomy, or if the length of the input list does not match `Anatomy.n_structures`. """ if self.__label_order is None: return [s.label for s in self] elif len(self.__label_order) != self.n_structures: return [s.label for s in self] else: return self.__label_order @label_order.setter def label_order(self, ordered_labels): if len(ordered_labels) != self.n_structures: raise ValueError('provided label ordering has length {}.\n' 'Anatomy contains {} structures' ''.format(len(ordered_labels), self.n_structures)) for label in ordered_labels: if label not in self.labels: raise ValueError('label {} does not exist in this {}' ''.format(label, Anatomy)) self.__label_order = list(ordered_labels) @property def is_empty(self): """ ``True`` if :class:`Anatomy` contains no structures. """ return self.n_structures == 0 @property def n_structures(self): """ Number of structures in :class:`Anatomy`. """ return len(self.structures) @property def size(self): """ Total number of voxels in all structures in :class:`Anatomy`. """ if self.is_empty: return 0 elif any([s.size is None for s in self]): return np.nan else: return sum([s.size for s in self]) @property def labels(self): """ List of labels of structures in :class:`Anatomy`. """ return self.structures.keys() @property def plannable(self): """ ``True`` if all structures plannable and at least one is a target. """ if self.is_empty: return False # at least one target status = any([structure.is_target for structure in self]) # every structure plannable, i.e. has dose matrix and other # required data status &= all([structure.plannable for structure in self]) return status
[docs] def clear_constraints(self): """ Clear all constraints from all structures in :class:`Anatomy`. Arguments: None Returns: None """ for s in self: s.constraints.clear()
[docs] def calculate_doses(self, beam_intensities): """ Calculate voxel doses to each structure in :class:`Anatomy`. Arguments: beam_intensities: Beam intensities to provide to each structure's `Structure.calculate_dose` method. Returns: None """ for s in self: s.calculate_dose(beam_intensities)
[docs] def propagate_doses(self, voxel_doses): """ Assign pre-calculated voxel doses to each structure in :class:`Anatomy` Arguments: voxel_doses (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary mapping structure labels to voxel dose subvectors. Returns: None """ for s in self: s.assign_dose(voxel_doses[s.label])
[docs] def dose_summary_data(self, percentiles=[2, 98]): """ Collimate dose summaries from each structure in :class:`Anatomy`. Arguments: percentiles (:obj:`list`): List of percentiles to include in dose summary queries. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary of dose summaries obtained by calling `Structure.summary` for each structure. """ d = {} for s in self: d[s.label] = s.summary(percentiles=percentiles) return d
@property def dose_summary_string(self): """ Collimate dose summary strings from each structure in :class:`Anatomy`. Arguments: None Returns: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary of dose summaries obtained by calling `Structure.summary_string` for each structure. """ out = '' for s in self.structures.values(): out += s.summary_string return out @property def constraint_summary(self): out = [] for s in self: for cid in s.constraints: c = s.constraints[cid] slack = 0 * c.dose slack.value = c.slack out.append({'structure', 'constraint':c, 'slack':slack}) return out @property def constraint_summary_string(self): out = '{:<20}{:<20}{:<10}\n'.format('Structure', 'Constraint', 'Slack') out += 50 * '-' + '\n' for line in self.constraint_summary: out += '{structure:<20}{constraint:<20}{slack:<10}\n'.format( **{k: str(line[k]) for k in line}) return out
[docs] def satisfies_prescription(self, constraint_dict): """ Check whether anatomy satisfies supplied constraints. Arguments: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary of :class:`ConstraintList` objects keyed by structure labels. Returns: :obj:`int`: True if each structure in """ audit = lambda label_constrs: self[label_constrs[0]].satisfies_all( label_constrs[1]) if label_constrs[0] in self else True return all(map(audit, constraint_dict.items()))
def __iadd__(self, other): """ Overload operator +=. Append structure(s) in argument to :class:`Anatomy`. Arguments: other: Singleton or iterable collection of :class:`Structure` objects. Returns: :class:`Anatomy`: Updated anatomy. """ if isinstance(other, Structure): self.__structures[other.label] = other else: for key, item in enumerate(other): self += item return self def __isub__(self, other): """ Overload operator -=. Arguments: other: Name or label of structure to remove from :class:`Anatomy`. Returns: :class:`Anatomy`: Downdated anatomy. """ key = other for s in self: if == other: key = s.label break s = self.__structures.pop(key, None) if s is None: print('argument "other"={} does not correspond to the label ' 'or name of a {} in this {} object. no operation ' 'performed'.format(other, Structure, Anatomy)) return self def __str__(self): """ Collimate strings for each :class:`Structure` in :class:`Anatomy`. """ ret_string = str( '\n{} with {} structures:\n'.format( Anatomy, self.n_structures)) for s in self: ret_string += str(s) return ret_string
[docs] def plotting_data(self, constraints_only=False, maxlength=None): """ Dictionary of :mod:`matplotlib`-compatible plotting data for all structures. Args: constraints_only (:obj:`bool`, optional): If ``True``, return only the constraints associated with each structure. maxlength (:obj:`int`, optional): If specified, re-sample each structure's DVH plotting data to have a maximum series length of ``maxlength``. """ return {s.label: s.plotting_data(constraints_only=constraints_only, maxlength=maxlength) for s in self}