Source code for prescription

Define :class:`Prescription` and methods for parsing prescription data
from python objects as well as JSON- or YAML-formatted files.

Parsing methods expect the following formats.


	- name : PTV
	  label : 1
	  is_target: Yes
	  dose : 35.
	  - "D90 >= 32.3Gy"
	  - "D1 <= 1.1rx"

	- name : OAR1
	  label : 2
	  is_target: No
	  dose :
	  - "D95 <= 20Gy"
	  - "V30 Gy <= 20%"

Python :obj:`list` of :obj:`dict` (JSON approximately the same)::

		"name" : "PTV",
		"label" : 1,
		"is_target" : True,
		"dose" : 35.,
		"constraints" : ["D1 <= 1.1rx", "D90 >= 32.3Gy"]
	}, {
 		"name" : "OAR1",
	  	"label" : 2,
	  	"is_target" : False,
	  	"dose" : None,
	  	"constraints" : ["D95 <= 20Gy"]

JSON verus Python syntax differences:
	- ``true``/``false`` instead of ``True``/``False``
	- ``null`` instead of ``None``

Copyright 2016 Baris Ungun, Anqi Fu

This file is part of CONRAD.

CONRAD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

CONRAD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with CONRAD.  If not, see <>.
from conrad.compat import *

import os
import json, yaml
import traceback

from conrad.physics.units import Gy
from conrad.physics.string import dose_from_string
from conrad.medicine.structure import Structure
from conrad.medicine.anatomy import Anatomy
from conrad.medicine.dose import eval_constraint, ConstraintList

[docs]class Prescription(object): """ Class for specifying structures with dose targets and constraints. Attributes: constraint_dict (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary of :class:`ConstraintList` objects, keyed by structure labels. structure_dict (:obj:`dict`): Diciontionary of :class:`Structure` objects, keyed by structure labels. rx_list (:obj:`list`): List of dictionaries representation of prescription. """ def __init__(self, prescription_data=None): """ Intialize empty or populated :class:`Prescription` instance. Arguments: prescription_data (optional): Data to parse as prescription. If input is of type :class:`Prescription`, intializer acts as a copy constructor. """ self.constraint_dict = {} self.structure_dict = {} self.rx_list = [] if isinstance(prescription_data, Prescription): self.constraint_dict = prescription_data.constraint_dict self.structure_dict = prescription_data.structure_dict self.rx_list = prescription_data.rx_list elif prescription_data: self.digest(prescription_data)
[docs] def add_structure_to_dictionaries(self, structure): """ Add a new structure to internal representation of prescription. Arguments: structure (:class:`Structure`): Structure added to :attr:`Prescription.structure_dict`. An corresponding, empty constraint list is added to :attr:`Prescription.constraint_dict`. Returns: None Raises: TypeError: If ``structure`` not a :class:`Structure`. """ if not isinstance(structure, Structure): raise TypeError('argumet "Structure" must be of type {}' ''.format(Structure)) self.structure_dict[structure.label] = structure self.constraint_dict[structure.label] = ConstraintList()
[docs] def digest(self, prescription_data): """ Populate :class:`Prescription`'s structures and dose constraints. Specifically, for each entry in ``prescription_data``, construct a :class:`Structure` to capture structure data (e.g., name, label), as well as a corresponding but separate :class:`ConstraintList` object to capture any dose constraints specified for the structure. Add each such structure to :attr:`Prescription.structure_dict`, and each such constraint list to :attr:`Prescription.constraint_dict`. Build or copy a "list of dictionaries" representation of the prescription data, assign to :attr:`Prescription.rx_list`. Arguments: prescription_data: Input to be parsed for structure and dose constraint data. Accepted formats include :obj:`str` specifying a valid path to a suitably-formatted JSON or YAML file, or a suitably-formatted :obj:`list` of :obj:`dict` objects. Returns: None Raises: TypeError: If input not of type :obj:`list` or a :obj:`str` specfying a valid path to file that can be loaded with the :meth:`json.load` or :meth:`yaml.safe_load` methods. """ err = None data_valid = False rx_list = [] # read prescription data from list if isinstance(prescription_data, list): rx_list = prescription_data data_valid = True # read presription data from file if isinstance(prescription_data, str): if os.path.exists(prescription_data): try: f = open(prescription_data) if '.json' in prescription_data: rx_list = json.load(f) else: rx_list = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close data_valid = True except: err = traceback.format_exc() if not data_valid: if err is not None: print(err) raise TypeError( 'input prescription_data expected to be a list or ' 'the path to a valid JSON or YAML file.') try: for item in rx_list: rx_dose = None label = item['label'] name = item['name'] dose = 0 * Gy is_target = bool(item['is_target']) if is_target: if isinstance(item['dose'], (float, int)): rx_dose = dose = float(item['dose']) * Gy else: rx_dose = dose = dose_from_string(item['dose']) s = Structure(label, name, is_target, dose=dose) self.add_structure_to_dictionaries(s) if 'constraints' in item: if item['constraints'] is not None: for string in item['constraints']: self.constraint_dict[label] += eval_constraint( string, rx_dose=rx_dose) self.rx_list = rx_list except: print(str('Unknown error: prescription_data could not be ' 'converted to conrad.Prescription() datatype.')) raise
@property def list(self): """ List of structures in prescription """ return self.rx_list @property def dict(self): """ Dictionary of structures in prescription, by label. """ return {structure.label: structure for structure in self.rx_list} @property def constraints_by_label(self): """ Dictionary of constraints in prescription, by structure label. """ return self.constraint_dict def __str__(self): """ String of structures in prescription with attached constraints. """ return str(self.rx_list)
[docs] def report(self, anatomy): """ Reports whether ``anatomy`` fulfills all prescribed constraints. Arguments: anatomy (:class:`Antomy`): Container of structures to compare against prescribed constraints. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Dictionary keyed by structure label, with data on each dose constraint associated with that structure in this :class:`Prescription`. Reported data includes the constraint, whether it was satisfied, and the actual dose achieved at the percentile/threshold specified by the constraint. Raises: TypeError: If ``anatomy`` not an :class:`Anatomy`. """ if not isinstance(anatomy, Anatomy): raise TypeError('argument "anatomy" must be of type{}'.format( Anatomy)) rx_constraints = self.constraints_by_label report = {} for label, s in anatomy.structures.items(): sat = [] for constr in rx_constraints[label].itervalues(): status, dose_achieved = s.satisfies(constr) sat.append({'constraint': constr, 'status': status, 'dose_achieved': dose_achieved}) report[label] = sat return report
[docs] def report_string(self, anatomy): """ Reports whether ``anatomy`` fulfills all prescribed constraints. Arguments: anatomy (:class:`Anatomy`): Container of structures to compare against prescribed constraints. Returns: :obj:`str`: Stringified version of output from :attr:``. """ report = out = '' for label, replist in report.items(): sname = structures[label].name sname = '' if sname is None else ' ({})\n'.format(sname) for item in replist: out += str( '{}\tachieved? {}\tdose at level: {}\n'.format( str(item['constraint']), item['status'], item['dose_achieved'])) return out